Monday, 17 February 2014

Seminar Aqsa #1.

Assalamualaikum wbt! ^^,

here, for i have promised few people of writing this down, and just to share the knowledge i was poured with during this seminar insyaAllah.

notakaki: this post might be a lil' bit long. but insyaAllah it will be worth your time to read. for it insyaAllah will open our eyes of the current situations in Palestine :)

but first, if anyone of you taktahu Seminar Aqsa ni hape, here's a picture of the poster.

i think the poster explained itself quite well jugak kot?
but well, basically this seminar talks about what has been happening in Palestine since many many years back.
so untuk orang yang tak berapa nak ada basics about Palestine history ni (read: bercakapkepadadirisendiri), senang jugak lah nak faham.
and sebenarnyaaa, it all started back in the year of 1585. that's like 500 years already kaaan. hah lame gila dorang plan nak curik Palestine ni dari kita sebenarnyaaa :O

and so, this seminar was divided into four sessions.

1. 2014 as a year of solidarity with the Palestinians.
hah ape ni? wait, satg i'll explain insyaAllah.

2. 100 years of the Zionist's agenda in Palestine.
this one, is a bit long. it talks about the history daripada 1914 until 2014, apa yang jadi dekat palestine. and yang sebenarnya first step yang initiate all this was actually during the first world war.

3. The 'special relationship' that US has with the Israelis.
For your info, they are the only country + pseudocountry (read: negarapalsu) yang ada this kind of relationship. negara lain mana ada special special ni kaaan. and have you ever wondered why US ni tahan sangat dengan Israel, as in kenapa nak pertahankan sangat Israel ni, padahal there were nothing good they received in return pun kan? Plus, tahu tak sebenarnya from the year 1967-2013, they've spent more than 200billion USD untuk Israel ni. this is only in terms of money, tak masuk lagi in other forms yang banyak tu semua.
so cam pelik kan? apesal lahhh US ni 'baik sangat'? haaa insyaAllah i'll explain more later eh.

4. Framework to Peace-Another Roadmap Bound to Fail.
This one talks about Fatah, Hamas and the many perjanjian damai yang pernah ada sebelum ni. Contoh cam perjanjian Oslo (Oslo Accord) , Pelan Damai. Deklarasi Clinton (Clinton's Declaration of Principles - CDOP), and Penyelesaian Dua Negara (Two State Solution). and kenapa this perjanjian yang sepatutnya mendamaikan ni tak damai damai. (read: failure to achieve peace)
and they also explains siapa Fatah ni, siapa Hamas ni. sebab i was quite confused previously kot. selalu dengar dalam TV ckp pasal Hamas dengan Fatah mcm blur jeee.
but it's okay, a friend of mine cakap, 'takpelah. atleast sekarang awak dah tahu kan?' :)
so yes, kalau before ni taktahu, sekarang lah masa untuk tahu kan? *kenyitmata

insyaAllah i'll try my best to explain in the simplest form that i can.
macam mana yang i would want people to explain to me.

So, let's start shall we? :D
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

so first and foremost,
2014 as a year of solidarity with the Palestinians.
what does this mean?
and why does it matter to us?

haaaaa. k korang pernah dengar tak United Nations (UN) ?
basically it is an international organization that promotes friendly relations among nations etc etc. (hint: google kalau rasa macam tak faham ye)

so untuk pengetahuan korang, sebelum ni UN dah announce yang 29 November every year is actually an international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. dah lama dah sebenarnya ni.

but on 26th of November 2013, they've announced that 2014 is a year of solidarity with the Palestinian people. this is when 110 countries voted in favor to this, 7 against (Australia, Canada, Micronesia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau and the United States)and 56 abstentions (berkecuali, means tak agree, tapi tak tolak jugak. cam atas pagar gitu).

so with this, it shows that many countries are actually aware of Palestinian issue and is actually supporting Palestine, alhamdulillah. from a day, to a year of solidarity :)

so you may ask, 'so what if they do? why does it matter?'

and it does matter sebenarnya. because this shows that the world currently are actually together with the Palestinian people. so bila UN announce 2014 as a year of solidarity with Palestinian people, we have to make full use of it. show that we are actually together with them. and spread the news so that more and more people are actually aware of what has been happening in Palestine.

and it is when everyone is together with the Palestinian people that Israel will actually realise that they'd have to fight against us all. sebab diorang ni sebenarnya affected by the voice of the people in this world. they are affected by public anger, because after all it is still the same earth we're living in kan. so they will still have to hear our voice and do things as how the whole world asked them to.

fahamkah rakan rakan? so let's spread more awareness on this insyaAllah! 

moving on to the next question,
'so, siapa Hamas ni sebenarnya? siapa pulak Fatah tu? bukan dua dua dekat Palestine ke? kenapa ada dua golongan pulak ni? :O'

k sebelum tu, ada a few players and terms dalam ni yang korang kena tahu.

1.Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)
4. Palestine Authority (PA)
5. Palestine National Constant (ni basically macam prinsip asas Palestine yang diorang takkan berkompromi dengan Israel bila Palestine-Israel deal untuk perjanjian damai)
it consists of 3 things:
- hak untuk pelarian Palestin kembali ke tanah air mereka.
- Baitul Maqdis sebagai ibu negara Palestine.
- Israel berundur ke sempadan hijau (Resolusi UNSC 242) 1967. *yangnipunbolehgoogle*

so basically, before the year of 1987, hubungan rakyat Palestine dengan Zionist Israel ni ialah perang atau permusuhan. Intifadah on that year introduced HAMAS into the picture. so HAMAS ni yang ambil alih kepimpinan rakyat Palestine, so it forces Israel untuk check balik dasar diorang dengan PLO.

sebab sebelum ni PLO ni yang deal dengan Israel. PLO was once together with the Palestinian people. kiranya diorang pelihara prinsip-prinsip asas yang Palestine National Constant kat atas tu kan. Tapi lepastu diorang ketepikan prinsip ni, sebab Israel bagi jaminan yang Israel akan penuhi sebahgaian dari tuntutan perjuangan PLO provided that PLO ni boleh compromise sikit prinsip asas diorang ni. kira macam 'win-win' situation la kononnya.

tapi PLO ni sebenarnya sort of like dimainkan oleh Israel ni yang rasa insecure sebab ada HAMAS ni sekarang. so sekarang rakyat dah tak percaya dekat PLO, and Israel pun hilang kuasa diorang sebab PLO ni dah tak disokong rakyat.

so Israel pun cari rakan kongsi baru, which is Fatah. and declared Fatah ni as the Palestine Authority (PA).

so Fatah dengan Israel ni pun buat lah banyak banyak banyak deal and perjanjian. tapi takde satu pun yang berjaya mendamaikan Palestine-Israel in the end. sebab apa yang diorang discuss tu sort of like 'negotiating the un-negotiable'. Cam dalam National Constant (refer kat atas) tu kan ada cakap yang Baitul Maqdis tu sebagai ibu negara Palestine. Tapi dalam perlembagaan Israel ada stated clearly yang 'Baitul Maqdis sebagai ibu negara yang disatukan dan abadi bagi Israel.'

nampak tak? kiranya diorang macam nak discuss something yang opposite to each other, which means memang takkan ada penyelesaian kan.

and sekarang ni, HAMAS punya kawasan is actually Gaza. Fatah pulak pegang kawasan tebing barat. kiranya selama ni bila Fatah deal dengan Israel, diorang akan ketepikan HAMAS. but diorang realise pun sebenarnya yang diorang takkan berjaya buat apa apa perjanjian unless diorang involvekan sekali HAMAS into the picture, sebab HAMAS ni yang sebenarnya rakyat Palestine sokong.

so the latest perjanjian yang dorang tengah usahakan sekarang ni is actually 'Framework for Peace'.
John Kerry (setiausaha Barack Obama) cakap they'd give until 4 Mei as tarikh akhir untuk both sides terima 7 syarat yang ditetapkan yang kononnya akan jamin status akhir perdamaian Arab-Israel.

1. Demilitarization of Palestine (Palestine tak ada hak untuk ada tentera sendiri)
2. US akan pantau proses demilitarization tersebut.
3. Israel akan kekalkan pasukan keselamatannya sepanjang sempadan Tebing Barat-Jordan.
4. Rondaan bersama Israel-PA di sempadan pintu masuk Jordan-Tebing Barat.
5. Pemasangan sistem amaran awal keselamatan (Early warning system) di sepanjang Tebing Barat-Jordan.
6. Gaza dikecualikan dalam Framework for Peace
7. Semua syarat ini adalah dengan syarat semua penempatan yahudi di Tebing Barat dan Baitul Maqdis Timur akan terus dikuasai oleh Israel.

Nah, korang rasa logik tak syarat diorang ni? rasa cam nak buat muka -____- kan?

plus, diorang ketepikan Gaza dalam perjanjian ni.
in other way of saying, memang takkan tercapai perdamaian with this Framework for Peace. and Hamas ni adalah satu-satunya entiti yang ada kredibiliti untuk pertahankan 'Palestine National Constant',

So, satu-satunya jalan yang boleh bagi kejayaan is actually bila Fatah (PA) join sekali dengan Hamas untuk lawan against Israel. this is the time when Palestine will be free insyaAllah :)

k fuhhh. panjang kaaan?
ni baru two points. insyaAllah i'll write about the other two in another post when the time permits ye.
hopefully this help some of you to understand what has been happening in Palestine, at least a bit :)

and if by any chance there is any error, fell free to correct me.
for there were actually many things being told during the seminar, and i might made some mistakes etc.

i love this song. reminds me of them.

till then,
Assalamualaikum wbt :)

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