Thursday, 11 December 2014

Lesson from patient #1: remember your parents.

Assalamualaikum peeps! :)

lama tak tulis dengan perasaan bahagia! haha

k semalam jumpa this one uncle in the ward,
mula2 macam taknak tegur dia. sebab dia nampak cam garang sikit, plus the wife pun nampak cam garang.
tapi lepastu bila tengok file dia, rasa cam best plak case pakcik ni.

so misi bermula!
heheh mula2 jalan dulu keliling ward...
tengok tengok patient lain...

then tetibe wife pakcik ni keluar dari ward.
so dengan doa dalam hati so that pakcik ni baik,
pi lah dekat pakcik ni...

tengok2 dia tengah buat... sudoku!
haha Alhamdulillah he turns out to be so amazingly nice. he's 64, and loves reading.
atas meja dia banyak sangat newspaper.
and when i talked to him, i know that he's one of the kind who loves knowledge.

tapi bila tanya pakcik dulu kerja apa, he insisted to not answer.
'alah dah lepas dah, bukan boleh buat apa pun kan. you guys punya kerja yang matters sekarang ni. pakcik dah takde apa dah'

tapi kitorang suspect pakcik ni kerja hebat2 jugak la sebenarnya. hmmm pakcik hmmm
sebab dia masuk hospital ni pun bcs he did some research and choose to be operated by the Head of Department of  General Surgery himself. hebat kot :3

anyway, he reminded me much of my father sebenarnya.
macam ayah, yang suka knowledge. apparently pakcik ni tau his anatomy and his disease quite well jugak,
and he loves travelling too!
teringat dekat ayah yang baca buku anatomy. huu entah entah ayah tahu lagi banyak dari anak dia ni kott. wuu caneee

one of my fav pictures of our family. minus family kakmun yang takde. hihi

so okay.
basically pakcik ni ada 3 orang anak.

this morning masa pergi visit, terjumpa wife dia.
she also, to my own surprise, was extremely warm and nice!

lepas dah borak borak dengan makcik ni,
and knows that their 3rd child, is currently doing medicine too in Bandung,

she asked me,
'so dah fikir ke nanti nak buat housemanship dekat mana?'

and i was like,
'oh saya macam suka nak buat dekat Sabah or Sarawak sebenarnya makcik...'

then makcik ni buat muka macam tak puas hati.
haha so i said,
'macam mak saya lah makcik ni, dia tak bagi rasanya kalau saya nak buat kat sana tu'

she said,
'tu lah. makcik pun taknak bagi anak makcik buat jauh2 tu. tak boleh2'

so she then further explained,

that her first daughter has now migrated to Melbourne, following her husband working there.
their second son, an engineer who worked with Petronas, is currently and most of the time offshore.

so turns out, their 3rd daughter is their only hope.

she said,
'kalau yang nombor 3 pun jauh, susahlah nanti pakcik dengan makcik je dua orang, takde siapa nak tolong.
ni yang sekarang pakcik sakit ni pun, menantu makcik yang 2nd tu yang banyak tolong.
anak sendiri semua jauh jauh.
susah, nanti takde orang nak tolong kalau apa apa jadi kan.'

and so i agreed with that.
true tho, times like this is when you'd need your children to be by your side.
bila lagi nak balas jasa parents kan :)

she then asked,
'awak ramai adik beradik ke?'

and i was like, 'heheh ramai makcik... 9 orang'

'ohh kalau macamtu boleh lah pergi Sarawak.'

haha macamtu pun boleh :3

tapi takpe, mak kalau baca ni, mak jangan risau dulu.
inshaaAllah Dila tak pi Sabah Sarawak, inshaaAllah Dila jaga mak dengan ayah :)

gambar umoq enamblas tahun rasanya ni :3

Lesson sampingan #2: nanti doa doalah Allah bagi rezeki anak ramai. senang nak jaga bila tua #eh.

May Allah allow us to always be there for our parents. Allahumma Ameen.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Tadi ada meeting dengan lecturer,
about something that we're not required to do but we want to do,
for our investment nanti dekat tempat yang satu lagi. soon.

tak tipu.
tapi dah aku pilih nak buat.
buat sampai habis.

Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near. [2:214]

kerja kerja.
ingat senang senang je nak dapat syurga?